Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Beware, Sugar Turns 5 Adverse Effects Can Give It To Healthy Skin!

Adam Adefara - During this time, most people only know that eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes and obesity alone. Not many know that this one sweet foods can also give a bad effect on skin health as well. Did you know, when you eat sugar, the body quickly converts into glucose can increase insulin levels in your body. This increased insulin levels can cause inflammation that can give adverse effects on the skin.
Well, as reported, here below are some of the bad effects of eating sugar for the health of your skin:
1. Dull skinYes, it is probably already known to everyone. Especially if excessive eating sugar can cause blood sugar levels in the body are not balanced. Normally the body's blood sugar levels will rise when you mengonsmusi sweet food. After some time, the insulin is released into your cells, your body's sugar levels will drop too. Well, this is what can give adverse effects on the body, a dramatic drop in blood sugar will create internal stress in your body that can cause acne and dull skin.
2. Dry skinSugar you consume when it enters the body will suck water from the cells of your body. Of course it can cause dry skin, swelling up dull.
3. Acne and easy infectionSecar excessive eating sugar can also cause inflammation in your body. Well, this inflammation will cause your skin blotchy, reddened and prone to infection.
4. Free radical damageA study revealed that eating sweet foods and high sugar can create free radicals in the body. These free radicals that can damage cells - the cells that produce skin aging.
5. WrinklesInflammation caused by eating sugar but can cause inflammation, can also make skin wrinkles easily. It ni because the sugar will attack healthy collagen in the skin. Well, when the collagen in our skin weakens the skin will easily dull, dry and wrinkled.
That's the bad effects of sugar for healthy skin. You certainly do not want the above occurs on your skin, is not it? yuk, from now reduce your sugar consumption. If you want to eat them do not go overboard. Hope it is useful.